Friday, July 1, 2011

How we were designed to fail, and how to fix it. Part 1

In this article I will discuss how our animalistic nature and physical senses counteract our spiritual qualities. This writing is a personal insight on our differences from animals, and how our consciousness hinders us from behaving efficiently as a species on this planet. I guess I will just start out with the first physical sense that comes to mind; vision. I will speak about vision in both literal and figurative terms here. I hope this doesn't get confusing as I will try to make it obvious which I am referring to.
Vision, literally speaking at this point, through the history of evolution can only be taken at a positive stand point in regards to the animal kingdom. Animals with vision can see the environment around them. This ability allows them to adapt and succeed as a species. The animal can perceive the obstacles in front of it; the literal obstacles; and take an instinctual action to better it's situation. An animal will see no imaginary figurative obstacle; an imaginary obstacle. Species within the animal kingdom are programmed to react to circumstances in a way that will keep them alive, thus keep the species prosperous. An animal will never see anything unrealistic about any situation. (This is debatable so if you got comments, let them roll. I want to hear them.)
This brings me to one reason I believe there is something special about the species we now refer to as the human race. Unlike animals, we rarely act on instinct. This is where the literal sense vision will take a figurative ride into imagination land. Vision is the ability to physically see what is happening around you and allows a realistic response. Let's presume vision is a stimulus; a realistic one. The first problem with this vision we were endowed with as a human race is the fact that we have somehow became equipped with the ability to manipulate what we see with our eyes. Unlike an animal, the human may see a realistic scenario and conjure up something completely obscure. (Note: If you really want to know why art is so spiritual and special to each person, you should realize that it is a conscious and imaginary reaction to a realistic stimulus the person has encountered.) Vision in a figurative and conscious sense is a special trait our species has developed, and separates us from the animal kingdom as we know it technically. A human's physical vision encounters a filter; an imaginary filter that I will refer to as our actual consciousness.
A species with this "spiritual" quality has a true free will to manipulate it's environment in both physical and imaginary ways. An animal will never invent a circumstance in it's head as to what to do next, for it is lacking the one filter that enables it to manipulate it's own physical sense; it's imagination, or it's conscious thought. This same filter is the reason we as a species on this planet is failing. Our instinct has been filtered and obscured with our spiritual, or conscious filter. Do not get me wrong; this spiritual inebriation of reality brings us the music we adore, and the paintings we froth over,and the reason why we feel good when we help an old lady across the street; These are all fantastic things, but it will inevitably be the reason we fail as a species. The inability to take reality as a reality hinders us unable to solve actual, and very real problems within our species. The physical vision and spiritual vision within our species contradicts and causes an issue that will seemingly never be resolved. I think this is because the human race denies it's spiritual awareness and dulls it with religious dogma, rules, and traditions. We were granted the spiritual aspect of our being, be it through evolution or divine intervention, and it is the awareness of this adaptation that will be our freedom from the animal kingdom. A lot of our species still lack the important ability to be aware that we can manipulate anything we see, but still see the reality; to teach others what our lives really mean to the others around us; and to have true empathy of another persons filtered take on the same reality. As a species we must not neglect our realistic instinct due to unrealistic vision. The president we appoint to commence wars, the bullies in your high school, and your dick boss at work all have this spiritual quality and misuse it every day. Everyone has the ability to see reality and still relish and adore their own and others spiritual consciousness, but have not learned to use it. I believe we are in our infant stages as a spiritual species. I hope I will be alive long enough on this planet to see some of the progression, and if you have read all of this article I sure hope you are too.

Thanks, guys.

- Blake