Saturday, August 6, 2011

Human Vs Corporate Agenda

Why isn't there a lawful standard put in place to protect our environment and people from corporate externalizations. The 14th amendment was put in place to protect human rights, not the rights of a soulless corporate "legal person". Did you know that corporations, based on the fact that they are legally considered persons, have all the civil rights that you have and more. Of course, Your civil rights allow you to find whatever it is that lets you live happy, while a corporation uses those same civil rights to exploit and make the one thing that a corporation HAS to legally put before anything else.. PROFIT. You are an externalization to this corporate machine as well. It is written on paper and APPROVED by OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM that corporations have to put their bottom line, their profit, before any competing interest to protect their company owners. So while you use your civil liberties to create something you think will make you happy, a corporation out there is using YOUR civil rights to make money. I would consider a person that puts their needs before anything else, even if it means polluting a river, or making a kid work in a factory for 40 cents an hour (either that or starve..) an evil bastard. So why is it legally binding that a corporation be an evil bastard? Who knows. make some calls. Shoot some emails. Tell your friends. If it doesn't benefit a common good, it should not be allowed by our own judicial system to exist. Let's fuckin' do something about it, please.

Friday, July 1, 2011

How we were designed to fail, and how to fix it. Part 1

In this article I will discuss how our animalistic nature and physical senses counteract our spiritual qualities. This writing is a personal insight on our differences from animals, and how our consciousness hinders us from behaving efficiently as a species on this planet. I guess I will just start out with the first physical sense that comes to mind; vision. I will speak about vision in both literal and figurative terms here. I hope this doesn't get confusing as I will try to make it obvious which I am referring to.
Vision, literally speaking at this point, through the history of evolution can only be taken at a positive stand point in regards to the animal kingdom. Animals with vision can see the environment around them. This ability allows them to adapt and succeed as a species. The animal can perceive the obstacles in front of it; the literal obstacles; and take an instinctual action to better it's situation. An animal will see no imaginary figurative obstacle; an imaginary obstacle. Species within the animal kingdom are programmed to react to circumstances in a way that will keep them alive, thus keep the species prosperous. An animal will never see anything unrealistic about any situation. (This is debatable so if you got comments, let them roll. I want to hear them.)
This brings me to one reason I believe there is something special about the species we now refer to as the human race. Unlike animals, we rarely act on instinct. This is where the literal sense vision will take a figurative ride into imagination land. Vision is the ability to physically see what is happening around you and allows a realistic response. Let's presume vision is a stimulus; a realistic one. The first problem with this vision we were endowed with as a human race is the fact that we have somehow became equipped with the ability to manipulate what we see with our eyes. Unlike an animal, the human may see a realistic scenario and conjure up something completely obscure. (Note: If you really want to know why art is so spiritual and special to each person, you should realize that it is a conscious and imaginary reaction to a realistic stimulus the person has encountered.) Vision in a figurative and conscious sense is a special trait our species has developed, and separates us from the animal kingdom as we know it technically. A human's physical vision encounters a filter; an imaginary filter that I will refer to as our actual consciousness.
A species with this "spiritual" quality has a true free will to manipulate it's environment in both physical and imaginary ways. An animal will never invent a circumstance in it's head as to what to do next, for it is lacking the one filter that enables it to manipulate it's own physical sense; it's imagination, or it's conscious thought. This same filter is the reason we as a species on this planet is failing. Our instinct has been filtered and obscured with our spiritual, or conscious filter. Do not get me wrong; this spiritual inebriation of reality brings us the music we adore, and the paintings we froth over,and the reason why we feel good when we help an old lady across the street; These are all fantastic things, but it will inevitably be the reason we fail as a species. The inability to take reality as a reality hinders us unable to solve actual, and very real problems within our species. The physical vision and spiritual vision within our species contradicts and causes an issue that will seemingly never be resolved. I think this is because the human race denies it's spiritual awareness and dulls it with religious dogma, rules, and traditions. We were granted the spiritual aspect of our being, be it through evolution or divine intervention, and it is the awareness of this adaptation that will be our freedom from the animal kingdom. A lot of our species still lack the important ability to be aware that we can manipulate anything we see, but still see the reality; to teach others what our lives really mean to the others around us; and to have true empathy of another persons filtered take on the same reality. As a species we must not neglect our realistic instinct due to unrealistic vision. The president we appoint to commence wars, the bullies in your high school, and your dick boss at work all have this spiritual quality and misuse it every day. Everyone has the ability to see reality and still relish and adore their own and others spiritual consciousness, but have not learned to use it. I believe we are in our infant stages as a spiritual species. I hope I will be alive long enough on this planet to see some of the progression, and if you have read all of this article I sure hope you are too.

Thanks, guys.

- Blake

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jim Marrs, Very interesting stuff.

I don't claim to believe any of this conspiracy stuff, but the facts that this man puts together are amazing to say the least, and since I was thinking about the political world for a moment I figured I would post this. It's a long one, but completely intriguing. check it out.

The Debt Ceiling...

I'm sure most of you are aware of the intense debate going in Washington at the moment about whether or not the "Debt Ceiling" of the United States should be raised. This is a major fucking deal, guys. I'm not going to lie to you. You have to realize that government actually runs on borrowed money, whether it be from private investors, private and or international banking establishments or even that nice little nest egg you have been working on. Yeah, you heard me. Let me put it this way.. When the government "borrows" money, they do not just ask a bank to hand it over. The government issues it's own debt in the form of bonds and the like.  You know the saving bonds your mommy and daddy bought you. That was just one way has been borrowing money from the general public in promise that you will be paid back with interest. Without this debt ceiling being raise, it would mean the actual DEFAULT of our government and economy. You would not get your mail, state parks would close, any government established entity would be in complete chaos. You want to talk about a domino effect? You got one right here, fellas. You can be assured the whole world will feel repercussions of this moronic situation we have got ourselves into. There are only a few simple solutions I can think of, and mind you I am no political genius.
1. Raise the debt ceiling so this mother doesn't explode
2. Make a plan of action to be sure that we start to reduce this deficit. (Note: Did you know taxation is at a 50 year low, and the richest class in America is paying less taxes now than they did in the 50s?) *HINT HINT*
Of course your oil tycoons, banks and rich old republican aristocrats aren't going to go for it, because why.. They just don't want the tax. Seems pretty selfish if you ask me. It isn't like they still wouldn't be living more comfortable than most of us in the world right now. I can barely afford to pay my rent, and I probably wouldn't whine as much as these old stubborn bastards are right now if they raised my taxes a bit.
Anyway, there are obviously ways to reduce our debt.. Look at how much we are paying our athletes; look how much money is put into programs like stimulus packages and government bail-outs. We just need to use our heads and the government needs to stop dicking around and do what they can to drag us out of this mess we are in. This is far from an impossible thing to fix, so just fucking fix it already.
It is sad that our government has turned into a corrupted and frivolous bipartisan rivalry. It is also sad that as of right now, the real American people out there working hard every day to earn their living can only stand by and watch as the great U.S.A tries to pull itself out of a whole that it has lazily been digging for fifty-odd years.... Who is representing who here?

Hi everyone, thanks for checking out the new blog I have set up here. I am going to give you guys a little forewarning on the subject matter that will mostly be discussed in "God's Song", but first I want to take a second to appreciate and toast all of those out there in America who dare to shut their mouth and open their eyes; to anyone who still imagines and asks why; and of course, to those who never stop seeking the truth and doubt those who find it. That being said, this blog is for you. God's Song will be about anything and everything that pertains to our humanity. Politics, religion, art, and consciousness will all be taken into perspective logically and in the least offensive way possible.  Anyone who feels they can contribute to this blog is very welcome to.

                Thanks dudes and ladies.

- Blake

"I believe that men are generally still a little afraid of the dark, though the witches are all hung, and Christianity and candles have been introduced."  ~Henry David Thoreau, "Solitude," Walden, 1854