Saturday, August 6, 2011

Human Vs Corporate Agenda

Why isn't there a lawful standard put in place to protect our environment and people from corporate externalizations. The 14th amendment was put in place to protect human rights, not the rights of a soulless corporate "legal person". Did you know that corporations, based on the fact that they are legally considered persons, have all the civil rights that you have and more. Of course, Your civil rights allow you to find whatever it is that lets you live happy, while a corporation uses those same civil rights to exploit and make the one thing that a corporation HAS to legally put before anything else.. PROFIT. You are an externalization to this corporate machine as well. It is written on paper and APPROVED by OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM that corporations have to put their bottom line, their profit, before any competing interest to protect their company owners. So while you use your civil liberties to create something you think will make you happy, a corporation out there is using YOUR civil rights to make money. I would consider a person that puts their needs before anything else, even if it means polluting a river, or making a kid work in a factory for 40 cents an hour (either that or starve..) an evil bastard. So why is it legally binding that a corporation be an evil bastard? Who knows. make some calls. Shoot some emails. Tell your friends. If it doesn't benefit a common good, it should not be allowed by our own judicial system to exist. Let's fuckin' do something about it, please.

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